How to maintain the electric chain hoist

Even the best quality electric chain hoist, if do not pay attention to maintenance, will reduce its application life. Therefore, when operating the electric chain hoist, it is necessary to grasp the maintenance method to improve the electric chain hoist efficiency. The specific methods are as follows:

1. Use in an outdoor environment, should take measures to prevent electric chain hoist from being abnormal by rain.

2. Often used electric chain hoist, if do not work, should be away from the wet or high temperature environment.

3. For electric chain hoist which do not use for long-term, should do a good anti-rust work in order to maintain the performance. The next time using, can immediately make it run.

4. Regularly add lubricating oil to the gear oil tank of the electric chain hoist, and also carefully check the various components, and always maintain the lubrication of each component.

electric chain hoist

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